Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trail Update - April 20, 2010

Opening day is 10 days away and the ParkLogic crew is making tremendous progress. The crew is working overtime and as we approach week 5 of pre-season trail-building, there has already been a ton of improvements! 

To keep you in the loop, this past week we have completed the following:
  • Sections of Asylum have been revamped to control erosion and greatly improve flow
  • A new bridge [replacement] has been added to the lower section of Waterboy near the merge with Victory
  • The end of Twist has been reshaped and drainage improved
  • The mid-section of The Jack has been completely rerouted (avoiding ski trail traverse). The new section adds a ton of flow and really improves the overall trail. In addition, the entrance to the Jack is now located near the entrance of Deceit (closer to gondola).
  • A NEW double has been added to the end of Pipeline making this line even more fun for those who dig steep and poppy features
  • Sections of Greenhorn have been tweaked to improve drainage and consistency
  • The pirate line from Greenhorn to Salvation has been closed! Pirate lines = bad
  • The run-in of the 2nd kicker on Salvation has been improved to assist drainage and improve speed
  • We are currently working on Domboo and most of the upper section is being completely rerouted to be better suited for novice-level riders. The new reroute will greatly improve the top-to-bottom experience for new riders looking to get their feet wet on less intimidating terrain.

Much more on the way! It is going to be a busy 10 days, but the ParkLogic crew is dedicated and committed to getting as many improvements complete before opening day!
Stay tuned! Pics coming soon...


marcusrussi said...

where are the pics!!!

WhoRyder said...

Man, I'm anxious to see some photos also... I'm Super Excited to be riding Diablo next weekend....

Martin said...


I just found out that parking will be free to bikers (same as last year).

Online waivers can be located here: http://diablofreeridepark.com/images/pdf/diablo_waiver.pdf